Lesson Materials

Zearn Math for Middle School provides teachers with comprehensive materials to support daily differentiated instruction. 

Lesson materials for teachers include resources that help facilitate rich, participatory math discussions between students and create opportunities for teachers to engage deeply with each learner and provide individual feedback. The downloadable Teacher Lesson Materials include lesson-level learning goals, activities for both whole-group warm-up and small-group instruction, sample student responses, guidance for student discussion, anticipated misconceptions, and support for English Language Learners and students with disabilities.

Each middle school lesson also includes a Classroom Presentation, which is a digital resource for teacher-led instruction that contains the Warm-up, Concept Exploration, and Wrap-up activities, and helps teachers with the overall flow of the math block.

Teacher Lesson Materials can be found by clicking on the Curriculum tab of any teacher or admin account, then navigating to the desired Grade and Mission. From there, scroll down to find the Student Lesson Materials and Teacher Lesson Materials.